Okay so i dont have any kids and nothing super exciting happens at our house. So when anything does i take advantage of it. It was Hendrix birthday on saturday. He turned two . And yes he is my dog but if it werent for him id go crazy. We didnt have a party (Honestly we would have if i had looked at the calender at least once the week before... )But i did get his a gift and gave it to him while frank wasnt home. Cuz frank tends to steal them and take the noise makers out... Even thoguh the noise makers only last about five minutes. He has very sharp teeth. and he loved it. SO here are some pics of him killing his toy!
This is him opening it!
Still opening it, and tipping over the newly folded clothes
He got it open! Ypu cant tell but it is a zebra that makes horse noise
And by the time he made it to my bed he had crushed the noise maker....
Ignore the dates on the pictures. I changed batteries and didnt set the date....
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