Thursday, October 1, 2009

I decided its been a while since i updated my blog. I dont have any pictured to go with it though. So sorry about that. I havent uploaded new ones yet. next timei will though.
nothing really new is going on with us. Frank finally got his glasses in augest. The ones that he ordered last december. Gotta love the Military. So he is Finally out of his BC glasses, and very grateful!
In september Our friends Ren and Monica came up and visited for labor day. It was a lot of fun. We went out to I-Hop and the got sick. On sunday i started having a horrible tummy ache and thoguth i was just regretting eating there too. But by monday morning i had a cough and sore throat and pounding head. By monday night i was SICK! they had left that morning so i stayed in bed and felt like dying. for the next two days my temp didnt drop below 101 and i was missrable . I couldnt get up to do anything cuz i was so week and it would make me so dizzy. Finally wed i had had enough and frank took me to the ER. wher ei waited Four hours to see someone. Wehn the doctor finally came in she didnt even take my temp. She said you have the flu and handed me a script for a Z-Pac and walked out befor i had time to tell her i cant take Z-Pacs. so i went home mad that i had waisted four hours. its took about another week for me to get over it completly. So September was not a fun month.
This last week though we did go visit my parents so that was fun. we stayed five day. Me and Mom went shopping for Autumn decorations one day then another me, dad, Brandon, Devon, Frank, Ren and Brandons girlfriend went shooting. It was a whole lot of fun.
I also got my glasses fixed!!!! WOOHOOO! they broke back in January and i had contacts for emergencies but they were in my purse and when i put my purse on the top of the car they fell out and baked on the roof of the car for two day. So they dried up. I didnt really wear them though cuz my eyes just get irritated really easy. So i have been seeing everything a little fuzzy for a while. I didnt want to get new glasses because i loved my old frame. They fit just perfect. My eye lashes didnt hit the glass. They didnt put a lto of pressure on my nose and they fit my eyes just right. I knew i would never find a pair i liked that much. Thats why its been three years since i got them. Thankfully dad was able to get them fixed! so now i can see again! WOOHOO
Thats about it for now. I will do a better update later next week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the little update. I am glad that you and frank both have glasses that you like to wear now. It is nice to be ale to see again.
